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Time units

Playback controls

Playback speed

Time units

Time can be shown in either timecode or frames. The time units can be configured in the settings.

  1. Open the settings
  2. Expand the "General" section
  3. Change the time units

Playback controls

The playback controls are located at the bottom of the window:

Playback controls:

  1. Start reverse playback
  2. Start forward playback
  3. Show the playback speed settings
  4. The actual playback speed
  5. Playback loop mode

Frame controls:

  1. Go to the playback in point
  2. Go to the previous frame
  3. Go to the next frame
  4. Go to the playback out point
  5. The current frame
  6. The current frame
  7. The in point
  8. Set the in point
  9. Reset the in point
  10. Reset the out point
  11. Set the out point
  12. The out point
  13. The duration

Memory cache:

  1. Cached frames
  2. Un-cached frames

Playback speed

  1. Show the playback speed settings
  2. Play every frame, even if it causes the speed to drop; audio is not available when this setting is enabled
  3. Reset the playback speed
  4. Set a custom playback speed
  5. Set a playback speed